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JWT Framework

This framework provides an implementation of:

This framework is not just a library, it also contains a Symfony bundle for easy integration into your application. It also provides a standalone console command that will help you to manage your keys and key sets.

Provided Features

Supported Input Types:

JWS or JWE objects support every input that can be encoded into JSON:

  • string, array, integer, float...

  • Objects that implement the \JsonSerializable interface such as JWK or JWKSet

The detached payload is supported.

Supported Serialization Modes

  • Compact JSON Serialization Syntax for JWS and JWE

  • Flattened JSON Serialization Syntax for JWS and JWE

  • General JSON Serialization Syntax for JWS and JWE

Supported Compression Methods

Supported Key Types (JWK)

JWK objects support JSON Web Key Thumbprint (RFC 7638).

Note: we use a none key type for the none algorithm only.

Key Sets (JWKSet)

JWKSet is fully supported.

Supported Signature Algorithms

Supported Key Encryption Algorithms

Supported Content Encryption Algorithms


This framework needs at least:

  • GMP extension.

  • MBString extension.

Depending on the algorithms you using, other PHP extensions may be required (e.g. OpenSSL).

Please also consider the following optional requirements:

  • If you intent to use EdDSA or ECDH-ES algorithm with Ed25519/X25519 curves on PHP 7.1, please install this third party extension

Continuous Integration

It has been successfully tested using PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2 and nightly with all algorithms.

Tests vectors from the RFC 7520 are fully implemented and all tests pass. Other test vector sources may be used (e.g. new algorithm specifications).

We also track bugs and code quality using Scrutinizer-CI and Sensio Insight.

Coding Standards are verified by StyleCI.

Code coverage is analyzed by

How to use

Security Recommendations

To avoid security issues on your application, please follow these Security Recommendations carefully.


Please read the performance page to know how to test the algorithms of the framework.

You can also see the last benchmarks made with our development environment.


Requests for new features, bug fixed and all other ideas to make this framework useful are welcome. If you feel comfortable writing code, you could try to fix opened issues where help is wanted or those that are easy to fix.

Do not forget to follow these best practices.

If you think you have found a security issue, DO NOT open an issue. You MUST submit your issue here.


This project is release under MIT licence.

Last updated