Configuration Helper

When you want to create keys/key sets, JWS loader/verifier... services, you have to create a dedicated jose section in your configuration. It may confuse your users to configure your bundle and the Jose Framework bundle. Sometimes, you may also want to be sure that the configuration is correctly defined. Lastly, the configuration size increases with numerous details, options or service IDs and it becomes difficult to read or modify.

Hopefully, the Symfony bundle provide a configuration helper: Jose\Bundle\JoseFramework\Helper\ConfigurationHelper. This helper will configure the jose section for you. This helper has to be called in your bundle extension during the prepend step (your extension has to implement Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Extension\PrependExtensionInterface).



namespace AcmeBundle\DependencyInjection;

use Jose\Bundle\JoseFramework\Helper\ConfigurationHelper;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Extension\PrependExtensionInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\Extension;

final class AcmeExtension extends Extension implements PrependExtensionInterface

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function prepend(ContainerBuilder $container)
        ... // The Helper will be called here

Let say you want to create a JWK as a service:

    'jwk', [
        'value' => '{"kty":"oct","k":"dzI6nbW4OcNF-AtfxGAmuyz7IpHRudBI0WgGjZWgaRJt6prBn3DARXgUR8NVwKhfL43QBIU2Un3AvCGCHRgY4TbEqhOi8-i98xxmCggNjde4oaW6wkJ2NgM3Ss9SOX9zS3lcVzdCMdum-RwVJ301kbin4UtGztuzJBeg5oVN00MGxjC2xWwyI0tgXVs-zJs5WlafCuGfX1HrVkIf5bvpE0MQCSjdJpSeVao6-RSTYDajZf7T88a2eVjeW31mMAg-jzAWfUrii61T_bYPJFOXW8kkRWoa1InLRdG6bKB9wQs9-VdXZP60Q4Yuj_WZ-lO7qV9AEFrUkkjpaDgZT86w2g"}',
        'is_public' => true,
        'tag_name1' => [],
        'tag_name2' => ['attribute1' => 'foo'],

For the key configuration, the arguments are:

  • The container

  • The name of the service (acme_my_key)

  • The key type (jwk)

  • An array with the expected values

  • An array with the custom tags (optional)

Now a key service named jose.key.acme_my_key will be created. This service is public so you will be able to get it from your container or inject it to your services.

This is exactly the same configuration as the following one:

                value: '{"kty":"oct","k":"dzI6nbW4OcNF-AtfxGAmuyz7IpHRudBI0WgGjZWgaRJt6prBn3DARXgUR8NVwKhfL43QBIU2Un3AvCGCHRgY4TbEqhOi8-i98xxmCggNjde4oaW6wkJ2NgM3Ss9SOX9zS3lcVzdCMdum-RwVJ301kbin4UtGztuzJBeg5oVN00MGxjC2xWwyI0tgXVs-zJs5WlafCuGfX1HrVkIf5bvpE0MQCSjdJpSeVao6-RSTYDajZf7T88a2eVjeW31mMAg-jzAWfUrii61T_bYPJFOXW8kkRWoa1InLRdG6bKB9wQs9-VdXZP60Q4Yuj_WZ-lO7qV9AEFrUkkjpaDgZT86w2g"}'
                is_public: true
                    tag_name1: ~
                    tag_name2: {attribute1: 'foo'}

Other methods are:

  • For the jws section:

    • public static function addJWSBuilder(ContainerBuilder $container, string $name, array $signatureAlgorithms, bool $is_public = true, array $tags = [])

    • public static function addJWSVerifier(ContainerBuilder $container, string $name, array $signatureAlgorithms, bool $is_public = true, array $tags = [])

    • public static function addJWSSerializer(ContainerBuilder $container, string $name, array $serializers, bool $is_public = true, array $tags = [])

  • For the jwe section:

    • public static function addJWEBuilder(ContainerBuilder $container, string $name, array $keyEncryptionAlgorithm, array $contentEncryptionAlgorithms, array $compressionMethods = ['DEF'], bool $is_public = true, array $tags = [])

    • public static function addJWEDecrypter(ContainerBuilder $container, string $name, array $keyEncryptionAlgorithm, array $contentEncryptionAlgorithms, array $compressionMethods = ['DEF'], bool $is_public = true, array $tags = [])

    • public static function addJWESerializer(ContainerBuilder $container, string $name, array $serializers, bool $is_public = true, array $tags = [])

  • For the checker section:

    • public static function addClaimChecker(ContainerBuilder $container, string $name, array $claimCheckers, bool $is_public = true, array $tags = [])

    • public static function addHeaderChecker(ContainerBuilder $container, string $name, array $headerCheckers, bool $is_public = true, array $tags = [])

  • For the keys section:

    • public static function addKey(ContainerBuilder $container, string $name, string $type, array $parameters, array $tags = [])

  • For the key_sets section:

    • public static function addKeyset(ContainerBuilder $container, string $name, string $type, array $parameters, array $tags = [])

  • For the jwk_uris section:

    • public static function addKeyUri(ContainerBuilder $container, string $name, array $parameters, array $tags = [])

Have a look at the spomky-labs/lexik-jose-bridge extension to see how we configure the Jose Bundle without dedicated configuration

Last updated

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