Provided Features

Supported Input Types:

JWS or JWE objects support every input that can be encoded into JSON:

  • string, array, integer, float...

  • Objects that implement the \JsonSerializable interface such as JWK or JWKSet

The detached payload is supported.

Supported Serialization Modes

Supported Compression Methods

Compression is not recommended. For 4.0.0, the support of compression is no longer available. See RFC8725 for more information.

Supported Key Types (JWK)

JWK objects support JSON Web Key Thumbprint (RFC 7638).

A none key type for the none algorithm. It is used to explicitly allow this unsecured algorithm.

Key Sets (JWKSet)

JWKSet is fully supported.

Supported Signature Algorithms

Other signature algorithms like RS1, HS1 or HS256/64 are also available. These algorithms should be used for testing purpose only or for compatibility with old systems

Supported Key Encryption Algorithms

Other encryption algorithms like RSA-OEAP-384 or ChaCha20-Poly1305 are also available. These algorithms should be used for testing purpose only or for compatibility with old systems

The algorithms RSA1_5 and RSA-OAEP are now deprecated. Please use with caution.

Supported Content Encryption Algorithms

Other encryption algorithms like A128CTR, A192CTR and A256CTR are also available. These algorithms should be used for testing purpose only or for compatibility with old systems

Last updated