Encryption Algorithms

This framework comes with several encryption algorithms. These algorithms are in the following namespaces:

  • Jose\Component\Encryption\Algorithm\KeyEncryption: key encryption algorithms

  • Jose\Component\Encryption\Algorithm\ContentEncryption: content encryption algorithms

Main Algorithms

Key Encryption

Content Encryption

The algorithm RSA1_5 is deprecated due to known security vulnerability.

The algorithms ECDH-ES* are not recommended unless used with the OKP key type.

Experimental Algorithms

The following algorithms are experimental and must not be used in production unless you know what you are doing. They are proposed for testing purpose only.

They are all part of the package web-token/jwt-encryption-algorithm-experimental

Key Encryption

Content Encryption

How To Use

These algorithms have to be used with the Algorithm Manager.


use Jose\Component\Core\AlgorithmManager;
use Jose\Component\Encryption\Algorithm\KeyEncryption\A128KW;
use Jose\Component\Encryption\Algorithm\KeyEncryption\PBES2HS256A128KW;
use Jose\Component\Encryption\Algorithm\ContentEncryption\A128CBCHS256;

$algorithmManager = new AlgorithmManager([
    new A128KW(),
    new PBES2HS256A128KW(),
    new A128CBCHS256(),

By default, PBES2* algorithms use the following parameter values:

  • Salt size: 64 bytes (512 bits)

  • Count: 4096

You may need to use other values. This can be done during the instantiation of the algorithm:

Example with 16 bytes (128 bits) salt and 1024 counts:


use Jose\Component\Core\AlgorithmManager;
use Jose\Component\Encryption\Algorithm\KeyEncryption\PBES2HS256A128KW;

$algorithmManager = new AlgorithmManager([
    new PBES2HS256A128KW(16, 1024),

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