You can create a JWK object using two static methods:
new JWK(array $values): creates a JWK using direct values.
JWK::createFromJson(string $json): creates a JWK using a JSON object.
Hereafter all methods available for a JWK object. The variable $jwk is a valid JWK object.
Please note a JWK object is an immutable object. If you change a value using a setter, it will return a new object.
<?php// Check if the key has a parameter.$jwk->has('kty');// Retrieve the key parameter.$jwk->get('kty');// Retrieve all key parameters.$jwk->all();// Calculate the thumbprint of the key. Acceptable hash algorithms are those returned by the PHP function "hash_algos".$jwk->thumbprint('sha256');// If the key is a private key (RSA, EC, OKP), it can be converted into public:$public_key = $jwk->toPublic();// The JWK object can be serialized into JSONjson_encode($jwk);
Generate A New Key
This framework is able to create private and public keys on the fly using the JWKFactory. 4 types of keys are supported:
Symmetric Key:
oct: octet string
Asymmetric Key:
RSA: RSA key pair
EC : Elliptic Curve key pair
OKP: Octet key pair
The none algorithm needs a key of type none. This is a specific key type that must only be used with this algorithm.
Octet String
The following example will show you how to create an oct key.
Additional parameters will be set to limit the scope of this key (e.g. signature/verification only with the HS256 algorithm).
<?phpuseJose\Component\KeyManagement\JWKFactory;$key =JWKFactory::createOctKey(1024,// Size in bits of the key. Should be at least of the same size as the hashing algorithm. ['alg'=>'HS256',// This key must only be used with the HS256 algorithm'use'=>'sig'// This key is used for signature/verification operations only ]);
If you already have a shared secret, you can use it to create an oct key:
The following example will show you how to create a RSA key.
The key size must be of 384 bits at least, but nowadays the recommended size is 2048 bits.
<?phpuseJose\Component\KeyManagement\JWKFactory;$private_key =JWKFactory::createRSAKey(4096,// Size in bits of the key. We recommend at least 2048 bits. ['alg'=>'RSA-OAEP-256',// This key must only be used with the RSA-OAEP-256 algorithm'use'=>'enc'// This key is used for encryption/decryption operations only ]);
Elliptic Curve Key Pair
The following example will show you how to create a EC key.
You can convert a PKCS#1 or PKCS#8 key file into a JWK. The following method supports PEM and DER formats. Encrypted keys are also supported.
<?phpuseJose\Component\KeyManagement\JWKFactory;$key =JWKFactory::createFromKeyFile('/path/to/my/key/file.pem',// The filename'Secret',// Secret if the key is encrypted, otherwise null ['use'=>'sig',// Additional parameters ]);
From A PKCS#12 Certificate
You can convert a PKCS#12 Certificate into a JWK. Encrypted certificates are also supported.
<?phpuseJose\Component\KeyManagement\JWKFactory;$key =JWKFactory::createFromPKCS12CertificateFile('/path/to/my/key/file.p12',// The filename'Secret',// Secret if the key is encrypted ['use'=>'sig',// Additional parameters ]);
From A X.509 Certificate
You can convert a X.509 Certificate into a JWK.
<?phpuseJose\Component\KeyManagement\JWKFactory;$key =JWKFactory::createFromCertificateFile('/path/to/my/key/file.crt',// The filename ['use'=>'sig',// Additional parameters ]);
Please note that X.509 certificates only contains public keys.